Can’t Buy Me Love

There is a popular song and a movie with the same title called “Can’t Buy Me Love” and it’s such a true sentiment, but we often lose sight of that around the Holiday’s. We often think the more money we spend, the more our loved one’s will realize how much we love and care for them. It’s simply not true!

images-8Once you become a single parent, you realize even more how hard it is to live up to the expectations of society’s idea of what love cost’s. We think if we are not buying our children everything their friends have, then we are failing as parents. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves, which doesn’t help us parent.
The only thing your child truly needs from you is your time and attention. images-5If you make it a point to have quality time with your children, they will never notice how much money you spend on them this Christmas. They will be telling their friends how amazing their parent is because they enjoy spending time with you. If you give your child your time, you are giving them the greatest gift of all. It is more valuable than anything you could buy at the mall.

One thing I always tried to do when my kids were growing up was make sure my children knew my room was open to them anytime they wanted to come in to hang out.  images-7We had some of the best times, hanging out on my bed, laughing, joking around, talking, being silly, telling each other our hopes and dreams, our goals for the future. These are the memories you can’t buy, the things they will take with them when they grow up and have families of their own.

You may not have a lot of money this year to buy presents, but the good news is, you don’t need it. You have everything you need inside of you to give your child the most incredible Christmas. Spend your time with them. Make cookies together. If it snows, go sledding down a hill together, no matter what your age is, build a snowman. Go for walks together and talk about their dreams and what they want to be when they grow up.

I know kids want presents and I am not saying don’t buy them anything. If they are young children, they will be happy with presents from anywhere, even the dollar shop. images-6Mine were! If they are older, explain to them that money is tight and you need to go easy on presents this year. Kids are great, they understand a lot more than we give them credit for.

The most important thing I want to convey this Christmas is don’t think you have to buy your child’s love. Show them you love them by being a big part of their life. The best present is to be PRESENT.



Marsha L Brown

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